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Sending in Tax Payments

Overman & Parks, CPAs, PA

Whether you are submitting a tax payment to the IRS or to one of the many State Departments of Revenue/Taxation, here are some tips that can make it easier for the Service or the Department to match your payment to the correct period and lower your chance of getting a notice.

1. Submit your payment electronically.

a. This is our #1 recommendation when it comes to submitting a tax payment for any reason! All electronic methods require that you indicate all pertinent information when you submit the payment.

b. When we file your tax return, you can send us your banking information so that the payment is drafted on a day you indicate. We can also schedule estimated tax payments this way.

c. If you would rather submit the electronic payments yourself, you can visit the IRS Make a Payment here: or the NCDOR E-Service here:

2. Submit your payment with a paper check.

*While we don’t recommend mailing checks due to potential issues with the timing of the mail system, there are some important things to remember if you do decide to submit checks via the mail.

a. Make sure the check has either the social security number of the first listed taxpayer or the EIN of the entity on them memo line.

b. Include the Form number and year on the memo line.

c. Be sure to send your check via Certified Return Receipt, or any other method where you will receive confirmation when the check is delivered. This will help you to be sure that the payment was both sent and whether or not it was received.

Credit: iStock


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