No matter what you read or whose poll you rely upon, you will hear that trust is steadily declining. There are reports that suggest that trust in leadership, marriage relationships, educators, and news sources and every other kind of relationship has been slowly eroding in recent years. Trust was the focus of the member materials in C12 this past month. It also happens to be the topic of the last few chapters in a marriage study I have been doing. I probably should not have been shocked that trust was the underlying theme of the Old Testament reading in Job for the sermon series the past few weeks at our church.
When other people fail to keep their end of a bargain or hurt us in some way, it would seem reasonable that our ability to trust is materially damaged. The hard part is knowing who to trust. As I have walked through these various discussions of trust over the past few weeks, God has continually laid on my mind Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
While trusting the fallen people that God has placed in our lives, can be a bit of a gamble; we can always trust God. We can trust that He is good and wants good for each of those who love Him. While the brokenness and sin of this world can be hurtful and disappointing, God is faithful and worthy of our trust. So, when your friends turn out to be less than helpful like Job’s, remember that God is with you in the ash heap and on your best day ever. He is trustworthy now and forever.
